Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Parkinson's by Ranai

( I had asked Ranai my 9 year old to write what PD means to him and this is what he said) 

Parkinson’s is a disease, a brain disease .Parkinson is a type of brain disease, and many people suffer from this disease not to mention my mom. :( . Parkinson’s is a type of disease of the brain, you‘re not able to move so fast and you are not able to really well play sport etc.

Parkinson’s is a very strong brain disease, it is so sad to see someone like this it is not a good sight. :( .I think personally that it is not fair that my mom has this because she is so loving and caring it is not fair! I don’t even understand why there are diseases it just makes someone suffer. (tebowing for a brief moment).

I really think diseases such as Parkinson should be erased. I wish that all diseases had a cure already but Parkinson doesn’t it is sad! :( .Well I told you how I feel about Parkinson’s and other diseases.

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